Wear You Fear – Cancer Collection by Sade Kahra

Welcome to the Turku premiere of Wear You Fear! The art exhibition opening is held in Biocity on August 21st from 4 pm to 6 pm.
Biocity is open weekdays from 7am to 5pm.
Bioimaging is not about reproducing, but depicting reality with a specific meaning. For centuries our eye has been trained to look at images based on certain rules, with an image perception typical of our culture. Common man interprets and perceives the biomedical visualizations as traditional images and therefore, despite their testimonial value, they remain a composition of colors and abstraction. New technologies have formed medicine into an image science, but as in early physics, our internal microscopic elements are disconnected from all bodily and social contexts.
The most likely individual threat in the western world is undeniable cancer. With the development of global industry and growing ages, the risk to die from cancer is growing worldwide. Most people today have some kind of relation to or experience from the disease. But what does cancer look like? What happens to our perception of the self, our body and the disease when we interpret visualizations of cancer? What meanings do we apply to the images when they are “embodied”?
With the help of Turku Bioimaging organization, local artist Sade Kahra has collected scientific visualizations of cancer cells and cancer tissues. Kahra has processed the visualizations, laid out patterns and printed the images on fabric, which she has then sewn into garments. The pieces of clothing form the exhibited installation.
The visualizations have been produced by scientists Guillaume Jacquemet, Annele Sainio and Terhi Helenius and collected with the help of Turku Bioimaging. Information on researcher, instrument and purpose is printed on the waistband of each garment. Former cancer patients and experts in cancer work have been consulted during different phases of the project.
The work was shown for the first time at Gallery TILA in Helsinki in July 2018. The exhibition has its premiere in Turku on August 21st at the symposium “Seeing the Invisible” at BioCity lobby in Kupittaa. After the opening, the exhibition will be displayed along side with the annual Biocity Symposium August 22-24 from 9am to 5pm.
The artist Sade Kahra will be present at the exhibition on Thursday August 23rd 10am-12pm.