What is Ocul-AR?
Ocul-AR is developed to guide researchers and students in becoming independent microscopy users.
- Strengthen users’ microscopy knowledge before starting their imaging session
- Help users to operate independently on the microscopes
The development of Ocul-AR is based on the collaboration between Turku BioImaging, Åbo Akademi, the University of Turku and the Turku University of Applied sciences. The development of this mobile app started as a Capstone-project between Turku BioImaging and Turku Game-Lab (oikea nimi tähän) The University of Applied Science in January 2022. After the cap-stone course the development of Ocul-AR continued as a joint project between, funded by Turku BioImaging and BlueSkies- funding from the Faculty of Medicine, University of Turku.
For more information please contact Laura Mairinoja (lajomai(a)utu.fi) & Joanna Pylvänäinen (jpylvana(a)abo.fi) and read the article:

Ocul-AR user instructions
Download detailed step-by-step instructions for using the app.

Download Ocul-ar icons here
If you want to try Ocul-AR on your microscope, you can download a icon package here.
Diana Toivola, Åbo Akademi University
Laura Mairinoja, University of Turku
Pasi Kankaanpää, University of Turku and Åbo Akademi University
Joanna Pylvänäinen, Åbo Akademi University
Tino Tuomisto, Turku University of Applied Sciences
Junel Solis, Åbo Akademi University
Ocul-AR project has been funded by Blue Skies funding by the University of Turku and Turku BioImging, at Åbo Akademi University
Solveig Eriksson, Euro-BioImaging ERIC