In addition to successful operations in academia, we have also established close collaborations with biotechnology, pharmaceutical, and life science industries with the aim to strengthen the role of imaging and image data in the R&D work of the business sector. Particularly, our imaging expertise is greatly beneficial for small companies that lack proper in-house resources. Furthermore, IDAT actively supports the industrial bioscience community in rapidly testing, adapting, and advancing novel methods and technologies. This strategic engagement facilitates the translation of industrial R&D endeavors into improved healthcare products and services.
By utilizing modern image analysis and processing methods, such as deep learning and cloud computing, and by mining old image data for new information, companies significantly accelerate their product development, foster innovation, and rejuvenate their business strategies.
We offer:
expert advice
access to imaging equipment
image analysis
data management
optimal usage of image data

organization of training sessions and courses focused on image data analysis and efficient data management.
Collaborative discussions pertaining to image data and project development.