Turku PET centre semiar series 2021

Turku PET Centre is organising a PET seminar this spring, with an interesting program!
Seminars are held in Zoom (https://utu.zoom.us/j/64378357121, passcode: 377154) every Monday at 15:00-16:00 and they are open to everyone who is interested.
Please download the programme here:
List of topics:
18.1. Introduction of Finnish Biomedical Imaging Node -the new imaging service cluster of Euro-BioImaging
25.1. Brown fat studies in Turku PET Centre ⎯ the past and the future
1.2. Theranostic approaches in IEDDA-based pretargeted radioimmunotherapy
8.2. Junior seminar: MR-based attenuation modeling of bone in the head region
15.2. PSMA-targeted theranostics in prostate cancer
1.3. Predictive brain image analysis
8.3. Junior seminar: Doctoral student presentations
15.3. Proteomics – Clinical applications
22.3. Imaging the dynamic brain and functional connectome