Studies in Biomedical Imaging – application is open now!

The MSc Programme in Biomedical Imaging is jointly administered by Department of Biosciences at Åbo Akademi University and the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Turku. In order to increase the chances of being admitted, applicants are advised to apply to both Universities.
The eligible applicants should have sufficient background knowledge in medical, biological and/or natural sciences, and they should have completed a lower university degree equivalent to a Finnish B.Sc. degree in the Life Sciences or in a relevant field (biomedical sciences, physics, engineering or chemistry).Applications for the programme are evaluated by the admission committee. The admission committee scores the applicants according to their background and selects maximum of 50 applicants for the interview round.No tuition fee for European students. The tuition fee is 12 000€/year for students applying outside the EU/EEA -area. Scholarships are available.
APPLICATION OPEN 3.12.2018-31.12.2019
1. Please read the admission criteria of the universities carefully:
Åbo Akademi, University of Turku.
2. Book and take the language test in advance.
All applicants to the International Master’s Programmes taught in English must always prove their level of proficiency in the English language. Please find more information about language requirements in Åbo Akademi and the University of Turku.
3. Application through Studyinfo portal to both universities.
Fill in the required information with care. Please note that to apply to both universities you must complete an online application to both universities and send in two sets of enclosures. In the online application form, it is enough that you attach your enclosures electronically. In case one of the universities need the hard copies, they will contact you personally.
4. Submit the application and send all the required enclosures.
The application has to be admitted before January 31st 2019.