NEUBIAS TS13 Training School in Portugal
As BioImaging data expands in size and scope so must the analysis! Image analysis beyond a modest dataset requires writing macros to speed up repetitive tasks. Don’t worry, with basic FIJI/ImageJ knowledge you can get up and running.
This is where organisations such as the Network of European BioImage Analysts (NEUBIAS) come in and help. NEUBIAS is a network of BioImage analysts in Europe, joining life science, computer science and digital image processing.
TBI’s Ciaran Butler-Hallissey attended NEUBIAS Training School 13 (TS13) in Porto, Portugal organized for core facility staff. Topics covered FIJI: plugins and macro writing for batch processing, Python: analysis/presentation and Stardist: machine learning for object detection. A broader training school (TS12) ran simultaneously for PhD students and core facility staff including FIJI macro writing, colocalization analysis and Cell Profiler.
In combination, NEUBIAS TS13 had lectures covering the “Natural history of fake data” and introductions to new web tools BioImage Informatics Search Engine and BIAFLOWS for benchmarking image analysis tools.
Does this sound interesting to you? Then get involved and follow some of these links! The next NEUBIAS training schools will be in Bordeaux, France Feb 29 – Mar 03 2020. Stay informed here and don’t miss out, it may be the last NEUBIAS BioImage analysis school!