Apply funding for your Euro-BioImaging project

Euro-BioImaging is pleased to announce our first open call for user projects! Send in a proposal between October 20 and December 15, 2021 to carry out a biological or biomedical imaging project at one of our 33 Nodes, and receive up to 5000 Euros to cover access, consumables, travel and accommodation costs.
How it works:
Have an idea for a biological or biomedical imaging project? Submit your project proposal through the Euro-BioImaging web portal between October 20 and December 15, 2021, and indicate that you want to apply for the Euro-BioImaging Access Fund in order to be considered for a grant of up to 5000 Euros to access the imaging services at a Euro-BioImaging Node. Successful applicants will be notified by late January 2022 and successful projects should be started before July 2022.
What the funding covers:
The Euro-BioImaging Access Fund covers the user’s travel and accommodation costs as well as access and consumable costs at the imaging facilities that are part of Euro-BioImaging Nodes. For remote access projects shipment costs are also covered. Each successful applicant is eligible for up to 5.000 Euros of support.