Experimental design for hypothesis-driven quantitative fluorescence microscopy, miniworkshop

18th of June 2024 at 09:00 — 16:00
Lauren 2, Medisiina D, Turku, Finland
InFLAMES organizes mini microscopy workshop
“Experimental design for hypothesis-driven quantitative fluorescence microscopy”
by Professor Teng-Leong Chew, Director of Advanced Imaging Center, Janelia Research Campus, USA
The workshop is suitable for everyone from imaging experts to complete novices. No previous knowledge of imaging techniques or microscopy is required, however, even more experienced researchers are sure to learn something new.
Topics covered:
- Light microscopy modalities and what they can do to facilitate life science research (~1 h)
- Imaging techniques and experiment types (~1 h)
- Designing a hypothesis-driven experiment (~20 min)
- Class project on experiment design and planning (~2 hrs)
- Biases and how to avoid them (~45 min)
- Reporting of imaging parameters (~30 min)
Register now using the link: webropol.com/s/leong-miniworkshop
Link to the event is here.