Educational collaboration Turku & Rouen

31st of May 2023 — 2nd of June 2023
PRIMACEN, University of Rouen Normandy, Rouen, France

A delegation from Turku including TBI team members visited the cell imaging core facility PRIMACEN at the University of Rouen Normandy for an imaging workshop and networking conference. The visit was a part of the Maupertuis project and a rejuvenation of the collaboration between the French university and the two universities of Turku (Åbo Akademi University and the University of Turku) that started right before the Covid-19 pandemic.


The visit consisted of scientific talks highlighting the strongholds of research possibilities of both cities, networking events as well as brainstorming workshops for future collaboration. The successful visit resulted in many ideas and set aims to increase the collaboration between the imaging master’s programs hosted at the respective universities.