TBI team at Euro-BioImaging All Hands Nodes Meeting in Heidelberg

17th of April 2023 — 19th of April 2023
EMBL, Heidelberg, Germany
The Turku BioImaging (TBI) team attended Euro-BioImaging All Hands Nodes Meeting in Heidelberg, Germany on April 17-19, 2023. It was the first in-person All Hands Nodes Meeting since Euro-BioImaging ERIC operations began in 2019. It was a great opportunity to know more about the Euro-BioImaging family with the presentations and poster sessions from Nodes and partner organizations. The TBI team was composed of Dado Tokic, Project Specialist at TBI, and Jiri Funda, Head of Medical Imaging at TBI and Manager of The Finnish Biomedical Imaging Node (FiBI).
On the second day of the meeting, Jiri Funda had a chance to present both Euro-BioImaging Finnish Nodes: The Finnish Advanced Microscopy Node (FiAM) and The Finnish Biomedical Imaging Node (FiBI). Both Nodes offer academic and industrial researchers open access to biological and biomedical imaging technologies, services, and training. It was a very nice meeting with lots of opportunities for discussion and networking. Looking forward to the next meeting in Torino!
More details about the meeting are here.