Register through this link! Registration is open until 2 February 2025. NB! The deadline has been extended until the end of the week!
See you 13.2.2025 in Turku!
For inquiries and questions contact
The celebration consist of two parts: you can register for either the seminar or the evening event, or both, using the same link above.
BIMA Stories and Next Imaging Generations Seminar
In Osmo Järvi Auditorium, Medisiina C, Kiinamyllynkatu 10, 20520 Turku
13.00 – 13.50 Mingling with coffee & pulla
13.50 – 16.50 Seminar
The seminar is open for everyone, but please register for catering!
See detailed program below.

BIMA For My Valentine Evening Gala
In Kårkafé Arken, Tehtaankatu 2, 20500 Turku
17.30 Doors open with welcome drinks
18.00 – 23.00 Dinner Gala
Entrance fee 15€ is paid upon registration.
The brand new BIMA logo will be revealed at the gala!